Saturday, August 31, 2013

Nathan "Gift from God"

All we ever wanted was you!  It was love at first sight for your mom and dad when we first saw you during our first ultrasound!  We knew God had given us someone very special!  We did not care if you were a boy or a girl we just wanted healthy!  We prayed that if you weren't healthy that God would grant us just one minute with you!  We wanted to meet you and hold you and this time be able to give our child a name!  We found out you were healthy and every part of you was "perfect!"  We found out you were a boy!  We were over the moon!  Mommy finally started to relax and really felt God saying, " I have answered your prayers you will get to hold this sweet one!"

When they placed you in my arms I knew I would give my last breathe in order for you to have life!  The way you looked at me was as if you were telling me, "Mommy, I know I'm safe in your arms!"  

God gave us a beautiful, happy, silly, sweet, perfect boy!  Well, he is perfect to us!  Nathan has brought so much joy and laughter and love to our home.  We wouldn't change a thing about him.  We have noticed some odd things about Nathan the past year.  Even though he met every single milestone his first two years of life we knew something was off about him.  We would tell ourselves, "oh, well that's just Nathan." "He will "grow" out of it."  "Nathan marches to the beat of his own drum."  We told ourselves that we will just keep watching him and see how he progresses.  There hasn't been much change in him.  He avoids almost all interaction with other adults and even children.  He rarely pays any attention to his brother.  He doesn't talk much and when he is outside the house almost not at all.  

We met with his doctor with our list and before I could even finish the doctor stopped me and said the words no parents wants to hear, "Nathan needs to be evaluated for Autism."  Nick and I had prepared ourselves for that response but it did not make it any easier. So we will ask for prayers for our sweet boy and for us.  The next few months of getting appointments set up and evaluations aren't going to be easy.  We pray that the right doctors and nurses will be in place to figure out what and if anything is different about our child.  

God gave us Nathan for a reason!  I know that as parents we are the ones who are suppose to teach our children but Nathan has already taught us so much.  That life is hard but with God ALL things are possible!  He is full of life and he still gives me that look, "Mommy, I know I'm safe in your arms!" 

Psalm 139:13-14 
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well