Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Nick and I are so excited to be parents to a precious little boy. Today was just the best day, I did not have to report to work at my usual time of 7am. I got to sleep in til 9:30 and it was great. The best part was waking up and getting ready to go to our ultrasound appointment. The big ultrasound appointment where we would get to find out the sex of the baby. Nick and I prayed last night that the baby would "show" himself. "Boy", does God answer prayers, one of the first shots we got was the "potty shot" and you could tell it was ALL BOY. The ultrasound lasted about 20 minutes and we got to see every part of this baby. The Heart looked perfect and was beating at the usual 152 beats per minute. Doctor said everything looks "perfect," Baby Boy Finch looks like he is developing like he should, exactly what Nick and I wanted to hear and see.

This ultrasound was the best. We got to see how much the baby has changed over the last almost 17 weeks. The first ultrasound we got, it did not look anything like a baby, just a round clump. The second ultrasound, was more baby like, but still hard to tell what was the head and other body parts. This ultrasound there was no doubting what you were seeing. The best part of all the ultrasounds is seeing the little baby's heart beating, so precious.

I absolutely loved seeing the baby move. Even though I tried to get him reved up before we went by drinking orange juice, he still was not moving all that much. He looked like he was swimming, he was kicking his legs and hands. So happy we got some video clips, we will cherish them forever.

Well, since I'm working this summer, and not having much to do at work. I have had a lot of time to search online for various things I would want for the nursery. Prior to finding out the gender, I was looking up bedding for a boy or girl. I picked my favorite for either sex, and now all I got to do is order the bedding. Why am I rushing this: I need to go ahead a pick a color to paint the babies room. Nick and I are going out of town this weekend to celebrate our 5 year Anniversary (Yeah!!!) and my mom is going to paint the room. We had already primed the room prior to conceiving again. Perfect opportunity that I can not pass up. So the room is going to be key lime green. It should be bright and we are excited to finally see that room get some color.

So like I said this week has been awesome and its not over yet. Looking forward to a nice romantic anniversary to Myrtle Beach. Maybe even do some shopping for our "Little boy", or as my mother-in-law says "Little Man" (based on his ultrasound pics, lol).