Thursday, September 30, 2010

No Diabetes for me!!!!

Good news, I don't have Gestational Diabetes. I passed my glucose tolerance test, but barely! Had a good check-up, blood work looked good, still measuring on target! The bad thing about my appointment is I had to get a shot. My blood type is RH Negative and because of this I have to get a shot with each pregnancy around this time, or after any miscarriages or deliveries. If the baby has the same blood type (RH negative) then I do not have to get another shot after delivering him, but if he does not then I will. The bad thing about the shot is I had to get it in my butt. I knew I was getting a shot I just did not know where. The nurse said, alright pull down your pants, I said, “what, where is this shot going?” She said, “Sorry, its going in your butt.” I said nervously, “Ok, how far do I need to pull my pants down, lol.” Nick was just a laughing at me, but he did hold my hand. He has been so good to me, throughout this pregnancy. He goes with me to every appointment; he asks the doctor more questions than I do. I keep joking with him that I need to make him go get me something at 2 or 3 in the morning!!! Just so he can have the full effect of meeting my cravings in my time of needs and wants.

We are slowly checking off our list of things to do. We are about to sign up for our first childbirth class!!! We would have taken the class this month, but we missed the cutoff time. But they offer another one next month, so we will sign up for that one. We know that the baby will be added to Nick’s health insurance policy and I will be added if I no longer work. We have registered at Target and Babies R’ Us!!!

One of the biggest things left to decide is to find Nathan a pediatrician. They tell you to pick one before the baby is born (obviously) but how do you know where to start? I can’t even name one pediatrician in Nash County and I’m supposed to pick one for my baby. It’s a little overwhelming.

Things have been really good the last few weeks. My only complaint is back pain. Nathan must be sitting on my back. My back hurts so badly at night, I can barely move. I have even had some back spasms. The doctor recommended some things to help with the pain and to hopefully prevent my back from hurting in the first place. Please pray that I will take better care of my back and it will stop hurting. Nathan is starting move more and more everyday, well at least I am starting to feel him so much more than before. I love, love, love it!!! When I don’t feel him during the day I get a little worried, but he always makes his presents right in the nick of time. I can’t wait until others can feel him, especially Nick. Every time Nathan is kicking I call Nick over to feel him and Nathan immediately stops. I think he knows and is playing with us. Nick has put his head on my stomach and heard Nathan wiggling around and a few little kicks, but only a few times. Nothing is sweeter, than to share these moments with Nick!!!

I start going to the doctor every two weeks now. I can’t believe how quick this pregnancy has gone bye. We are nearing the mark of 100 days left. Can’t wait :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

We are estactic to introduce you too.....

Nick and I have spent the last few weeks trying to nail down a name for our precious baby boy. We have kept joking with people who would ask if we picked out a name that we had his last name picked out. We have thought of names off and on the past two years. Working in the school system, we come across a lot of different names. Some that I adore others we can’t even pronounce. We agreed on names that we would never name our child, either because we completely disliked the name or we associate it with a kid that got on our ever lasting nerves. We knew we wanted a name that is known but not highly popular.

I asked Nick to begin with, if we have a boy, do you want him to be a Junior. He said he did not. I was not crazy either about having a Junior, but if that is what Nick wanted then I would honor that for him. We knew we both wanted to absolutely love our babies’ name. Its funny because we had picked out so many “boy” names and only one or two girl names. I knew we were going to have a little boy, so I really did not even bother looking at girl names. It was in my gut. One name constantly came to mind every time I would think of baby names, even before Nick and I had even talked about having kids. We had one student out of 800 students at Nashville Elementary school that had this particular first name. Every time I would check out a book to this little boy, it would put a smile on my face. Nick has already taught over a 1000 kids and he never taught a student with this name.

So after, we found out that we were having a boy. We went to a list of names we had picked out and was trying different combinations. Nothing really sounded that great to us. We picked out some first names we will most likely name our future kids. But we kept coming back to the same name. One night we were thinking of names and I said well, lets look up what this particular name means. Our mouths dropped when we found out what the name we were falling in love with meant. “Gift from God,” how much perfect could this name get. God always reveals His will, you just have to be looking for it to see it. He knew we would lose two babies long before Nick and I even met. He knew the name of the first child we would bring into our home, long before the thought of kids entered out minds. We know this baby and any baby is a gift from God, but Nick and I know first hand how special and true it really is. So we proudly introduce to you, Nathan Wayne Finch!!!! Nathan meaning “Gift from God,” and Wayne is from my dads side of the family. Wayne is my dads and oldest brothers’ middle name. We can not wait to bring home Nathan and to be his Mommy and Daddy. I get teary eyed just thinking that God picked Nathan to be our son. God does not make mistakes and everyday I find that to be truer. Thank you God for blessing us with Nathan, we can only hope that Nathan will grow up to be a blessing to you in return.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Over the hump!!!

Felt like now would be a good time to write about how this pregnancy has been so far. While writing this I am one day shy of 21 weeks. It's hard to comprehend the fact that half of my pregnancy has come and gone. I will have this little boy in my arms in less than 4 months. As excited as we are, we are now trying to grasp the fact that we will be parents. Nick and I have been through so much in the last almost 2 years its like we are waiting for something else bad to happen (well at least I am). It’s hard to get overly excited about the upcoming birth of our baby, because I can't see myself that far in the future. We have gotten excited before only to have two miscarriages back to back.

Our hope is that we can afford for me to be a stay-at-home mom. Most people probably take this opportunity for granted, but we have a different perspective on how precious a baby is. I can’t imagine leaving my baby 5 days a week for someone else to care for and missing all those precious first memories. It would break my heart to come pick up my child and hear someone else say, “He said his first word today.” If I’m not able to be the one to stay will our baby, I hope my mom would be the one who would watch my baby while I work.

While we are trying to work out all the details, I feel like I’m kind of getting “cold feet” about the whole full-time mom. Work (career) is all I’ve even known. I use to babysit and clean houses when I was 12 or 13 and then got my first real job at Hardees as the biscuit maker, when I was 14. I worked all through high school and college. I have only been without a job for maybe 6 months in all those years. I was raised to have good work ethics and put my all into whatever I was doing whether I liked the job or not. I finally have a job that I can see myself doing until I retire and it scares me to leave it.

Nashville Elementary is my home away from home. And although I do get frustrated sometimes, I feel like I make a difference most days. I have some close relationships with many of my co-workers. Many of them don’t even know how much they have helped me get through all the heart ache of losing our two precious babies. I feel like God sent me to Nashville, because he knew I would need the support I got from my co-workers, many who have gone through their own heart aches of losing their children.

After losing our second baby, all I wanted to do was quit working. I hated every morning I had to get up and go to work and put on a happy face and pretend everything was alright. Nick told me over and over that I could stop working if that’s what I needed to do. I’m glad I stuck with it, because I do think it helped me cope with everything. Gave my mind something else to think about and helped me not to slip into a depression. Which is what I think I was very close to happening?

I know if I am able to stay home, that is what I need to do. It is what I want to do. It’s just so much is changing and to be honest I am scared to death of all the changes. I mean its one thing to have your first baby, and not having much experience with newborns. It’s another to give up a part of your life that you are sure of and know what to expect. Sorry this post is kind of a downer. I did not mean for everything to sound so negative. I am truly happy and would not trade any of this for the world. I just need some extra prayers to help ease my mind of all the changes Nick and I are about to face. Ready or not here we come!!!!