Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joshua Blake Finch!!!

Reality still hasn't sunk in that we will be welcoming another little boy into this world in January!  You would think my huge belly would help reality set in, but it hasn't, lol! 
They say the second child is usually an easier baby, I am praying rigoriously that this is true :)  Nathan decided to start the terrible two's very early at 1 1/2, but that shouldn't have surprise us when the boy was walking at 9 months!  As Nathan's doctor said the other day, "Nathan is just a very determined little boy and will always be, but you as parents have to help him channel that determination into something positive!"  Can we say future President, lol!  We struggle with EVERYTHING with Nathan!  Trying new foods, diaper changes, baths (he is scared to death we are going to wash his hair), coming in after playing outside!  He will hit, slap, headbutt, throw himself on the ground and bang his head into the floor!  It's awful and I feel so bad for him because its the only way he knows how to communicate his desires.  Luckly the last few weeks things have gotten a little better!  He still has fits but they don't last as long and I can usually get his attention onto something else.  Bath time still isn't perfect but atleast he is getting cleaned at the moment!

Nathan keeps me so busy that there has been days that I haven't even felt Joshua moving.  When I lay down at night and realize I did not feel a kick all day it really scares me, but before falling asleep I usually get to finally feel him move for the day.  We can not wait to meet our new son Joshua and for Nathan to meet his little brother!  We have less than 15 weeks til my due date and we have yet to buy any of his furniture.  Only thing purchased so far is two newborn onesies.  His room has been painted but sits empty at the moment.  I know everything will be purchased before the time comes, but I will have to admit I am a little stressed that things haven't progressed faster for this impatient mommy to be :)  With Nathan we had his room ready to go before I was even 20 weeks pregnant, so I'm just trying to adjust to things being a lot slower this time around!