Friday, May 13, 2011

Mommy's Little Man is 4 months old!!!!

I love my little man more than anyone can imagine!!! I can tell Nathan is going to be a lot like Nick especially the way Nick was when he was a kid. Nathan is already a wild child that's not afraid of anything! His new thing is to try to get out of my arms by wiggling until he is free....its crazy to watch him. He never ceases to amaze me. It really does seem like everyday Nathan learns something new! The past 4 months have experience so much joy and frustration, love and i feel like i'm going crazy! I feel like in those moments of madness its God telling Nick and I (especially me) that this is what you prayed for but it just makes us love even bigger :) We Love you God and our sweet Nathan! Its going to be interesting comparing Nathan's life to the life of his future sibling(s)! We want to one day show Nathan what we went through with him when he has a child of his own thats going to be just like him!


Mommy never knows what to expect when it comes to you. You can be perfectly content or playing and then out of the blue start screaming like you just got hurt. It gets mommy so worked up because she only wants the best for you and sometimes she just does not know what you are trying to tell her. As soon as we get a routine established you go and change it on us. You WERE sleeping 8 to 9 hours of solid sleep at night, now we wish you would just sleep 4 hours straight. You get up evey 2 to maybe 3 hours and you wake up screaming! It really scares us sometimes. We have tried several different things to help you out but nothing seems to be working. Your mommy and daddy are more sleep deprived now then when we brought you home as a newborn. We bought a new bassinet, one that you can actually stretch out in and that did not seem to help any at all. We have a suspicion that its where you want to sleep on your belly. When you roll over you roll on your face and that scares you because you can't breathe. Your mom and dad are getting desperate and a little crazy. In time I'm sure your going to learn what to do to sleep better at night.
You went to the doctor for your 4 month check-up and as always you got a great report! You LOVE going to the doctor, mommy thinks its because you get all the attention. You also like the way the paper sounds that they lay you on :) You love Dr. Ramsey and he is pretty fond of you too!!! He always compliments you on your behavior and your pretty blue eyes. You also like how he tells your mommy and daddy that they are doing a perfect job taking care of you!! You had to get those awful shots again but you only cry for a minute and seem to be fine the rest of the day. We also get to finally eat cereal for the first time, we are all excited about that!
Weight = 12lbs 4oz
Head = 16 1/4
Height = 24 1/2
Dr. Ramsey said you were in the low percentile but you were perfect and not to worry. Mommy is not sure we will ever get to call you chunky monkey ;)

We love you,
Mommy and Daddy