Monday, June 13, 2011

5 Months!!!!

I'm getting really slack when it comes to Nathan's monthly letters. It just goes by so fast and I start to get my months confused. I seems like as soon as I finish one letter he is already turning a month older. Nathan keeps me SO busy that when I do have time to sit down, I'm so mentally drained that I have a hard time writing anything. I LOVE playing with Nathan and I LOVE watching Nick play with him too. I knew Nick would be a great dad long before marriage and children were a part of the plan. I'm so happy Nick is home with us over the summer. All the while knowing its going to be SO hard when he has to go back to Red Oak. I'm mentally preparing myself for when Nick has to leave us for an entire week to take the Youth to Liberty University. Praying Nathan starts sleeping better before then because I won't be able to function the next day with lack of sleep and no help. I love Nick and I love Nathan can't imagine my life without either one of them! By the way this is my most favorite picture of Nathan's monthly pictures! What a cutie :)


I don't think there has been a day that you haven't tried to learn something new. You are now scooting all around the house. It is the most adorable thing you have done! But at the same time, mommy and daddy want you to SLOW down because we are not ready for you to be mobile yet. You get up on your knees like you are ready to take off crawling but you seem a little scared to do it just yet. We think you will be crawling in a matter of weeks. Better get the house baby proofed!

You have not really caught on to eating your cereal. You refuse to open your mouth to eat. We are being patient and we know you will soon get the hang of it. It is fun trying to feed you.

Good news is you did not have to go to the doctor this month, so that meant no shots! I don't think you have gained much weight. You love to go outside but sometimes its just to hot for us to go out there and play. You get tired of being cramped up in the house and so does your mommy. We are going to have to figure out somethings we can do outside of the house.

We have figured out a new sleeping arrangement for you, by accident. We left you in your car seat one night and you almost slept the entire night! So, this is now your crib. You seem to be comforted by being all snuggled and strapped in. Mommy and daddy are so happy that we have figured out something that works. We would love for you to be in your big crib but for now we are not going to worry about that.

You have to be getting a tooth real soon because you seem to be more and more bothered by your gums. We can't wait, mainly because we want you to get some relief. Teething is HARD work. You get ill sometimes and you want something to gnaw on constantly. You're going to be SO adorable with your little teeth. We can't wait!

So Happy 5 months Nathan! We love you,
Mommy and Daddy