Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wow has it already been a month....

How quickly time flies bye when you don't want it too. My sweet baby boy is one month today. It still brings tears to my eyes just looking at him. Nick and I absolutely love being parents. We are really starting to figure out what makes Nathan happy. Hard to believe how quickly you forget all the pain and labor you go through to bring them into the world, well not completely yet.


You are such a sweet baby. You are way more beautiful than we ever imagined you would be. You make us laugh so much by making funniest faces and noises. You have such a quirky personality already. You got that from your daddy. You also at times make us want to pull our hair out when you are crying for no apparent reason, but that might be because mommy and daddy are probably doing something wrong.

You and mommy miss daddy so much when he is at work. We count the hours down til he gets off work. We get so happy when we hear daddy's car in the driveway. He is always so happy to see you too. Its his favorite part of the day to be able to hold and play with you. Mommy loves how you wait for daddy to get home from work to have a poopy diaper. Mommy loves being able to stay home and take care of you. She never knew she would work harder now than she did with a full time job. But taking care of you is a full time job.

You have grown so much in only a month. You now weigh 9 pounds 7 ounces and you are 21 1/2 inches long, such a big boy. But I guess eating 4 ounces every 3 to 4 hours does that to you. As of now you are doing really good sleeping at night, mommy and daddy thank God for that daily. You do not sleep much during the day for mommy. You would rather mommy hold and kiss you and I'm fine with that too. Mommy would however love the opportunity to take a shower and eat, but she knows with time you will let her. You love your daddy so much, sometimes he is the only one that can get you to stop crying. All he has to do is start to talk to you or even better sing to you and you stop crying immediately and just listen.

You are starting to smile and it melts mommy and daddy's heart each time we see it. You started talking a few days before you were three weeks old. We love to hear your oohs and aahs. We love seeing you smile and hearing you coo more and more each day. You're holding your head up so good that we joke that you are not a newborn, you're a grown-up. You even rolled over on your own today. Your daddy and I could not believe it. Your favorite thing to do is lay in just your diaper on the floor. That gets you wiggling and kicking and talking the most. You love to stare at your mommy and daddy. Mommy will never forget the first time she held you, you looked right at her and just stared. No one had to tell you she was your mommy, you already knew.

Everyday mommy and daddy work on teaching you new skills. But you have also taught us so much too. You have taught us the power of prayer, because without prayer you would not be here. 1 Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord answered my prayer and gave him to me.

We love you so much,
mommy and daddy