Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm Back

Well, I just realized its been six months since my last post!  A lot has happened since then!  Nathan could not get any cuter and sweeter than he already is :)  Oh, he loves to give hugs, sweet kisses, blow kisses and can give you a look that melts your heart!!!  He plays so well by himself, mommy can actually get some things done around the house.  Although if you stop by it probably doesn't look like it, lol!  He is not a child of many words but he is jabbering up a storm.  He gets so into his jabber, its like he is really having a conversation.  TOO CUTE!!  He doesn't say much but he sure does understand most everything I say.  It makes things so much easier!  I can tell him its time to go "bye-bye" and he will go and get his own shoes and sit down to wait for me to put them on! He will even sometimes bring mommy hers too!  He is becoming SO independent.  We know talking is right around the corner and we can't wait!

Nick and Nathan on Father's day!
The boy simply loves being outside!  Our biggest tantrums are usually a result of not being able to go outside.  He loves being pulled in his wagon, riding in his cozy coupe and playing with his dog Shandi! 

And probably the biggest news we have is Nathan is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!
Its a Mother's day I will never forget!  Saturday I just did not feel like myself.  I was extremely tired (more tired than usual)!  I fell asleep when Nick was out playing with Nathan and woke up an hour later.  It was Nathan's nap time and I ended up falling back asleep.  That's when i knew something was up and even Nick asked, "Is everything alright?"  That's when I looked at the calender, I was suppose to start my monthly already ( I am more of a 28 day cycle than a 30 day) and the next day I would officially be late (day 30)!  So we planned to take the BIG test in the morning.

Woke up around 5am and decided to go ahead and take the pregnancy test.  I took the test and waited 3 minutes for the results.  I only had on the bathroom closet light so I wouldn't wake up Nick (since it was so early).  I only saw 1 line so I threw the test away and I went back to bed.  It was Mother's day so Nick was going to let me sleep in while he got up with Nathan.  Nathan had other plans, he wanted his mommy and wanted me badly!  He sat at the door to the bedroom and cried.  There wasn't anything Nick could do to distract him, so I got on up.  A little while later I went back to the bathroom and just to be curious I fished the test out of the trash and looked at it again.  This time if I tilted the test in the light I could see the faintest second line!  I looked at it for what seemed like forever and then I went and showed Nick.  I said, "I might be seeing things but I think I see two lines!"  He looked at it too and he saw the second line as well.  I think I was a little more freaked out than he was.  I did not know what to think, was the test wrong or am I pregnant!  Everything was telling me that I was but my mind did not want to believe it just yet.  After church we went and purchased another test to test again in the morning.  Mean while Nathan was having a really off day!  From the crying first thing in the morning to not letting us sit down and eat at the restaurant for lunch.  Nick and I ate in shifts!  We got home and later while eating a snack he throws up while sitting in my lap.  In my head I'm screaming, "oh my what have Nick and I done!"  "What have we set ourselves up for?"  I was having some serious discussions going on with God in my head.  For that brief time I was thinking to myself, "Am I really ready for the challenge of having another child so soon?"  I prayed to God that night that he could ease my anxiety and that I know if we are indeed pregnant that it was such a sweet blessing from him!  I thanked God right on the spot for the possible chance of carrying another sweet baby!

So the next morning it was indeed confirmed that Nick and I were blessed with our 4th pregnancy!  I was put on progesterone again (just like with Nathan) just to be on the safe side.  We are ALL excited, nervous, scared and hopeful that come January we will have another little Finch join the Nest!!! So far so good with my check-ups! Prayers are always welcomed :)  This little Finch has sure made his/her presence known in this house so far! As tiny as he/she is they have made a major impact on how mommy's day goes! Although I have not actually been sick, I am nauseated majority of the day! Makes the day really miserable. Not only am I battling that but this pregnancy wipes me out. Within hours of waking I need a nap, luckily Nathan still takes 2 naps a day most days. I couldn't function without them. I'm always so anxious until I make it to 12 weeks! Mostly for the risk of miscarriage but also relief from all the crazy pregnancy symptoms that are so awful in the beginning!   I am a few days shy of 12 weeks and I just feel in my heart that everything is fine with the baby!  I even think I've felt little butterflies a few times.  So sweet to think of this little bitty baby jumping around!

Here's Nathan's little brother/sister at 7 weeks! 
The doctor said the baby has a lot of room to grow right now because my uterus hadn't shrunk all the way back down to its original size! I still don't think it has sunk in completely that we will be parents to a new baby! It did not sink in with Nathan until we held him in our arms for the first time! Maybe we will adjust to the possibility a lot sooner with this child :)

Mother's Day with my four children!  One in my arms, two in my heart and the other safe and sound growing in my belly!