Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 2008

Woke up that morning and nothing seemed any different then any of previous mornings except I wasn't feeling all that great. I contributed it to being hormonal with the start of my cycle and for my very upset stomach! Went to work as usual and even came home and cleaned the house. Sometime between 9 and 10 pm, our world changed!

My precious child, even though your daddy and mommy did not even know you existed (although mommy had her suspicions) you were loved, and you were so very wanted! We did not know you were apart of our lives until it was too late. The day we found out about you was the day we lost you. I think that mommy and daddy cried more tears that night and the days that followed then we had our whole entire life before that night. And yet fours years later we still have tears for you! Tears that you would have been a June baby like your mommy! Tears that you would be three years old now! Tears of not knowing if you were a boy or a girl and not even being able to name you! Tears that the few weeks you were growing in mommy, we couldn't even talk to you and tell you we love you and were excited to have you!  Tears that we never got to hold you but please know that we hold you everyday in our hearts!

But we know that a tear has never fallen from your eyes. We want to say rest in peace but we know you already are, peace is all you have ever known. We can only imagine the peace that you experience everyday with our Lord and Savior! Peace that you do have your younger sibling living with you in Heaven too, that you two are not up there alone!  Mommy and daddy live with the peace of knowing we will finally get to hold you, kiss you and name you when we meet in Heaven!  We love you always!