Sunday, November 13, 2011

Double digits 10!!!

Dear Nathan,

The months seem to be going by so much faster.  We can't believe out sweet baby has now entered into the double digits....10 months.  You entered it with a big milestone: you are now a walker!!!  The most adorable walker too!  You look like Frankenstein holding your little arms up to help balance yourself, so stinkin cute!!  Words can't explain the feeling we get watching you learn to walk!  Mommy even cried the night you took your first official steps!  Its like now that you can walk its hard to look at you like you are still a baby.  We are SO proud of you and we always be no matter what!

FINALLY, you had your two top front teeth break through!!!  Hopefully we will get a little break from all the teething issues.  This month we have been trying to get you interested in table foods.  Its been very challenging.  You have a hard time adjusting to new foods with new textures.  Unfortunately, you are very picky just like mommy.

We get to celebrate Thanksgiving and your dada's birthday this month!  Dada is so happy to celebrate his first birthday as a dad this year and couldn't be happier to spend it with mommy and you!!!  You will have to give dada some extra snuggles and hugs and kisses on his day! 

Mommy and Daddy